2023 Amat calendar – 12 months, 12 poems

2023 Amat Calendar

With the New Year, we’ve prepared the 2023 Amat calendar for all our clients, suppliers, and collaborators.

Every year we dedicate it to a specific theme, however this 2023 is special, since we celebrate Amat’s 75th anniversary! We wanted to support culture, specifically poetry, so in this years calender, we review, with warm poems by our favorite authors, the four seasons of the year and the time lived.

We hope you like it as much as we do!

We also want to thank our sponsors Vanguard GràficCasfer, Fercas Neteges, Mutua de Propietarios, Thyssenkrupp, OnWork y Soren Energi who, every year, help us make it possible.

Here is one of the twelve poems we’ve chosen for this 2023 Amat calendar.

Bufa, bufa, vent!
Treu la polseguera
i les fulles seques
de la carretera.
I, després, un núvol Mira com voleien
i cauen a terra
les fulles tan grogues
que el vent arrabassa
a l’arbre cansat.
Són febles,són tristes;
van juntes o soles,
van morint d’anyorança
per rutes incertes que el vent ha traçat.

Bufa vent
Joana Raspall