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What should you know about the new lift safety measures?   The Official State Gazette (BOE) recently announced the publication of the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 for Elevators. This new regulation establishes the basis for the commissioning, modification, maintenance, and inspection of elevators in Spain. That is why a series of new lift […]

Do you know the benefits of deducting electric vehicle chargers on your tax return?   With effects from June 30, 2023, two new deductions related to the acquisition of electric vehicles are established in the Personal Income Tax and today, specifically, we will focus on the deduction for the installation of recharging infrastructures. Thus, taxpayers […]

Key Considerations for Charging Point Installations in Communal Garages and Buildings   As electric vehicle purchases becomes more common, the demand for electric chargers in communal spaces rises. In this initial post, we delve into the legal aspects for installing electric chargers in private parking and community-owned spaces.   Catalonia’s regulations, found in Book V […]

What do we know about the Next Generation funding of the European Union? From AmatZonia we explain those that are destined to update and rehabilitate residential buildings to improve their energy efficiency. Since October 5 last year, these funding are regulated through Royal Decree 853/2021 in 6 programs aid in residential rehabilitation and social housing of the […]

I have a parking space in my building and lately I see that everyone uses it as a warehouse to leave all kind of objects. Is there no rule that prohibits it? Regardless of what the community has stipulated (whether in the deed, or in statutory regulations), we believe that there is an even more important […]